Items where Author is "Romy Budhi Widodo"

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Number of items: 70.

Romy Budhi Widodo and Devina Trixie and Windra Swastika (2023) ADD.4.1._Romy_ICCOSITE2023_Study_of_EMG-based_Mouse_Clicks_Type_Detection. In: UNSPECIFIED, 16 Februari 2023, Universitas Bina Insani - Jakarta. (Unpublished)

Windra Swastika and Benedictus Julian Pradana and Romy Budhi Widodo and Rehmadenta Sitepu and Guntur Sinardi (2022) 14.1._Windra_SIET2022_CNN_Based_Transfer_Learning. Proceedings 7th International Conference on Sustainable Information Engineering and Technology 2022 (SIET 2022). pp. 72-78. ISSN ISBN: 978-1-4503-9711-7

Romy Budhi Widodo (2022) 1.1._Romy_MONOGRAF_Machine_Learning. Media Nusa Creative (MNC) publishing, Malang.

Universitas Ma Chung (2022) 24.1._Romy_HAK_CIPTA_Klasifikasi_Bahasa_Isyarat. Surat Pencatatan Ciptaan No. 000323806.

Romy Budhi Widodo and Windra Swastika and Hendry Setiawan and Mochamad Subianto (2021) 19.1._Romy_CIASTECH_Studi_Pemrosesan_Data. Proceeding The 4th Conference on Innovation and Application of Science and Technology (CIASTECH 2021) “Kesiapan Indonesia Dalam Menghadapi Krisis Energi Global”. pp. 277-286. ISSN p-ISBN: 2622-1276; e-ISBN: 2622-1284

Windra Swastika and Romy Budhi Widodo and Ginza Alfarizha Balqis and Rehmadenta Sitepu (2021) 12.1._Windra_ICCTEIE_The_Effect_of_Regularization. Proceedings 2021 International Conference on Converging Technology in Electrical and Information Engineering (ICCTEIE 2021). pp. 87-90. ISSN p-ISBN: 978-1-6654-0082-4; e-ISBN: 978-1-6654-0081-7

Windra Swastika and Romy Budhi Widodo and Ginza Alfarizha Balqis and Rehmadenta Sitepu (2021) 15.1._Romy_ICCTEIE_The_Effect_of_Regularization. 2021 International Conference on Converging Technology in Electrical and Information Engineering (ICCTEIE). pp. 87-90. ISSN p-ISBN: 978-1-6654-0082-4; e-ISBN: 978-1-6654-0081-7

Romy Budhi Widodo (2021) 2.1._Romy_BOOK_CHAPTER_Sketsa_Antologi. Sketsa Pelaksanaan Kelas Jarak Jauh Dan Bisnis Teknologi Pendidikan Masa Pandemi Covid-19: Pembelajaran Dalam Genggaman Tangan . Ma Chung Press, Malang. ISBN 978-602-9155-29-7

Universitas Ma Chung (2021) 23.1._Romy_HAK_CIPTA_Modul_Pembelajaran. Surat Pencatatan Ciptaan No. 000255646.

Romy Budhi Widodo and Windra Swastika and Agustinus Bohaswara Haryasena (2020) 18.1._Romy_CIASTECH_Studi_Sensor. Proceeding The 3th Conference on Innovation and Application of Science and Technology (CIASTECH 2020): Peranan Strategis Teknologi dalam Kehidupan Sosial di Era New Normal. pp. 562-568. ISSN p-ISBN: 2622-1276; e-ISBN: 2622-1284

Romy Budhi Widodo and Evans Jahja and Yusuf Giovanno (2020) 14.1._Romy_ICITEE_The_Combinantion. Proceeding Conference: 2020 12th International Conference on Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (ICITEE). pp. 110-113. ISSN p-ISBN: 978-1-7281-1098-1, e-ISBN: 978-1-7281-1097-4

Universitas Ma Chung (2020) 22.1._Romy_HAK_CIPTA_Wifi_Based_Gyro. Surat Pencatatan Ciptaan No. 000194155.

Romy Budhi Widodo and Agustinus Bohaswara Haryasena and Hendry Setiawan and Mochamad Subianto and Paulus Lucky Tirma Irawan and Ari Yudha Lusiandri and Didik Dwi Suharso and Ardiansyah and Iskandar (2019) 13.1._Romy_ISITIA_The_IMU_and_Bend_Sensor. Proceeding International Seminar on Intelligent Technology and Its Applications (ISITIA 2019). pp. 306-309. ISSN e-ISBN: 978-1-7281-3749-0

Universitas Ma Chung (2019) 21.1._Romy_HAK_CIPTA_Multi_Direction. Surat Pencatatan Ciptaan No. 000144870.

Imam Sutrisno and Muhammad Firmansyah and Romy Budhi Widodo and Ardiansyah Ardiansyah and Mohammad Basuki Rahmat and Achmad Syahid and Catur Rakhmad Handoko and Agus Dwi Santoso and Ari Wibawa Budi Santosa and Riries Rulaningtyas and Edy Setiawan and Edy Prasetyo Hidayat and Daviq Wiratno (2019) 9.1._Romy_ICONISCSE_Implementation_of_Backpropagation. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1196 (012048). pp. 1-5. ISSN p-ISSN: 1742-6588, e-ISSN: 1742-6596

Hartawan Sugihono and Romy Budhi Widodo and Oesman Hendra Kelana (2018) 12.1._Romy_EECSI_Study_of_the_Android. Proceeding 2018 5th International Conference On Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Informatics (EECSI). pp. 144-149. ISSN e-ISBN: 978-1-5386-8402-3

Romy Budhi Widodo (2018) 17.1._Romy_IDEC_Analisis_Gerakan. The 5th IDEC 2018 “Peningkatan Daya Saing Industri dan Pemberdayaan Tenaga Kerja Difabel sebagai Tenaga Kerja Industri: Implementasi Alat Bantu bagi Pekerja Difabel”. pp. 52-58. ISSN p-ISBN: 2579-6429

Reyna Marsya Quita and Romy Budhi Widodo (2018) 16.1._Romy_MATEC_A_Mathematical_Proof. In: The 3rd International Conference on Electrical Systems, Technology and Information (ICESTI 2017), 26 – 29 September 2017, Bali.

Romy Budhi Widodo and Chikamune Wada (2016) 4.1._Romy_JACIII_Artificial_Neural_Network. Journal of Sensors, 2016. pp. 1-24. ISSN e-ISSN:1687-7268

Romy Budhi Widodo and Hiraku Edayoshi and Chikamune Wada (2015) ADD_7.1._Romy_JOINT-SCIS-ISIS_Complementary_Filter. 2014 Joint 7th International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems (SCIS) and 15th International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems (ISIS). pp. 906-909. ISSN 978-1-4799-5955-6

Romy Budhi Widodo and Takafumi Matsumaru (2014) ADD_6.1._Romy_ROBIO_Measuring_the_Performance. Proceeding of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO). pp. 1270-1275. ISSN 978-1-4799-2744-9

Romy Budhi Widodo and Weijen Chen and Takafumi Matsumaru (2013) ADD_5.1._Romy_SICE-SII2012_Laser_Spotlight_Detection_and_Interpretation. 2012 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration (SII). pp. 780-785. ISSN e-ISBN: 978-1-4673-1497-8; p-ISBN: 978-1-4673-1496-1

Romy Budhi Widodo and Weijen Chen and Takafumi Matsumaru (2012) ADD_4.1._Romy_SICE-AC2012_Interaction_using_the_Projector_Screen. SICE Annual Conference 2012. pp. 1392-1397. ISSN 978-1-4673-2259-1

Romy Budhi Widodo and Agustinus Bohaswara Haryasena and Hendry Setiawan and Paulus Lucky Tirma Irawan and Mochamad Subianto and Chikamune Wada 1.2._Lucky_TURNITIN_Design_And_Evaluation. UNSPECIFIED.

Romy Budhi Widodo 1.2._Romy_PEER_REVIEW_Monograf_Machine_Learning. UNSPECIFIED.

Romy Budhi Widodo 1.3._Romy_TURNITIN_Monograf_Machine_Learning. UNSPECIFIED.

Romy Budhi Widodo and R M Quita and S Amrizal and R S Gunawan and Chikamune Wada and A Ardiansyah and I Sutrisno and M B Rahmat and A Z Arfianto and C R Handoko and A D Santoso and A W B Santosa and V Y P Ardhana and E Setiawan 10.2._Romy_PEER_REVIEW_Grasping_and_Attached. UNSPECIFIED.

Romy Budhi Widodo and R M Quita and S Amrizal and R S Gunawan and Chikamune Wada and A Ardiansyah and I Sutrisno and M B Rahmat and A Z Arfianto and C R Handoko and A D Santoso and A W B Santosa and V Y P Ardhana and E Setiawan 10.3._Romy_TURNITIN_Grasping_and_Attached. UNSPECIFIED.

Romy Budhi Widodo and Agustinus Bohaswara Haryasena and Hendry Setiawan and Mochamad Subianto and Paulus Lucky Tirma Irawan 11.1._Lucky_ISITIA_The_IMU. Proceeding 2019 International Seminar on Intelligent Technology and Its Application (ISITIA 2019).. pp. 306-309. ISSN ISBN: 978-1-7281-3749-0

Romy Budhi Widodo and Agustinus Bohaswara Haryasena and Hendry Setiawan and Mochamad Subianto and Paulus Lucky Tirma Irawan and Ari Yudha Lusiandri and Didik Dwi Suharso 11.2._Lucky_TURNITIN_The_IMU. UNSPECIFIED.

Windra Swastika and G M Kristianti and Romy Budhi Widodo 11.2._Romy_PEER_REVIEW_Effective_Preprocessed. UNSPECIFIED.

Windra Swastika and G M Kristianti and Romy Budhi Widodo 11.3._Romy_TURNITIN_Effective_Preprocessed. UNSPECIFIED.

Hartawan Sugihono and Romy Budhi Widodo and Oesman Hendra Kelana 12.2._Romy_PEER_REVIEW_Study_of_the_Android. UNSPECIFIED.

Hartawan Sugihono and Romy Budhi Widodo and Oesman Hendra Kelana 12.3._Romy_iTHENTICATE_Study_of_the_Android. UNSPECIFIED.

Romy Budhi Widodo and Agustinus Bohaswara Haryasena and Hendry Setiawan and Mochamad Subianto and Paulus Lucky Tirma Irawan and Ari Yudha Lusiandri and Didik Dwi Suharso and Ardiansyah and Iskandar 13.2._Romy_PEER_REVIEW_The_IMU_and_Bend_Sensor. UNSPECIFIED.

Romy Budhi Widodo and Agustinus Bohaswara Haryasena and Hendry Setiawan and Mochamad Subianto and Paulus Lucky Tirma Irawan and Ari Yudha Lusiandri and Didik Dwi Suharso and Ardiansyah and Iskandar 13.3._Romy_TURNITIN_The_IMU_and_Bend_Sensor. UNSPECIFIED.

Romy Budhi Widodo and Evans Jahja and Yusuf Giovanno 14.2._Romy_PEER_REVIEW_The_Combinantion. UNSPECIFIED.

Romy Budhi Widodo and Evans Jahja and Yusuf Giovanno 14.3._Romy_TURNITIN_The_Combinantion. UNSPECIFIED.

Windra Swastika and Romy Budhi Widodo and Ginza Alfarizha Balqis and Rehmadenta Sitepu 15.2._Romy_PEER_REVIEW_The_Effect_of_Regularization. UNSPECIFIED.

Windra Swastika and Romy Budhi Widodo and Ginza Alfarizha Balqis and Rehmadenta Sitepu 15.3._Romy_TURNITIN_The_Effect_of_Regularization. UNSPECIFIED.

Reyna Marsya Quita and Romy Budhi Widodo 16.2._Romy_PEER_REVIEW_A_Mathematical_Proof. UNSPECIFIED.

Reyna Marsya Quita and Romy Budhi Widodo 16.3._Romy_TURNITIN_A_Mathematical_Proof. UNSPECIFIED.

Romy Budhi Widodo 17.2._Romy_PEER_REVIEW_Analisis_Gerakan. UNSPECIFIED.

Romy Budhi Widodo 17.3._Romy_TURNITIN_Analisis_Gerakan. UNSPECIFIED.

Romy Budhi Widodo and Windra Swastika and Agustinus Bohaswara Haryasena 18.2._Romy_PEER_REVIEW_Studi_Sensor. UNSPECIFIED.

Romy Budhi Widodo and Windra Swastika and Agustinus Bohaswara Haryasena 18.3._Romy_TURNITIN_Studi_Sensor. UNSPECIFIED.

Romy Budhi Widodo and Windra Swastika and Hendry Setiawan and Mochamad Subianto 19.2._Romy_PEER_REVIEW_Studi_Pemrosesan_Data. UNSPECIFIED.

Romy Budhi Widodo and Windra Swastika and Hendry Setiawan and Mochamad Subianto 19.3._Romy_TURNITIN_Studi_Pemrosesan_Data. UNSPECIFIED.

Romy Budhi Widodo 2.2._Romy_Budhi_PEER_REVIEW_Book_Chapter_Sketsa_Antologi. UNSPECIFIED.

Romy Budhi Widodo 2.3._Romy_TURNITIN_Book_Chapter_Sketsa_Antologi. UNSPECIFIED.

Yusuf Giovanno and Romy Budhi Widodo and Oesman Hendra Kelana 20.2._Romy_PEER_REVIEW_Rancang_Bangun_Perangkat. UNSPECIFIED.

Yusuf Giovanno and Romy Budhi Widodo and Oesman Hendra Kelana 20.3._Romy_TURNITIN_Rancang_Bangun_Perangkat. UNSPECIFIED.

Romy Budhi Widodo 21.2._Romy_PEER_REVIEW_Multi_Direction. UNSPECIFIED.

Romy Budhi Widodo and Evans Jahja 22.2._Romy_PEER_REVIEW_Wifi_Based_Gyro. UNSPECIFIED.

Romy Budhi Widodo and Junaidi and Mukhlis and Niki Ite Adekayanti and Alexander Satriadi and Emanuel Horsa Widodo and Patrisius Istiarto Djiwandono and Daniel Ginting and Ounu Zakiy Sukaton and Meme Susilowati and Didit Prasetyo Nugroho and Soetam Rizky Wicaksono and Fita Sukiyani 23.2._Romy_PEER_REVIEW_Modul_Pembelajaran. UNSPECIFIED.

Romy Budhi Widodo and Windra Swastika and Daniel Adiwiranata Santoso 24.2._Romy_PEER_REVIEW_Klasifikasi_Bahasa_Isyarat. UNSPECIFIED.

Romy Budhi Widodo and Chikamune Wada 3.2._Romy_PEER_REVIEW_Attitude_Estimations. UNSPECIFIED.

Romy Budhi Widodo and Chikamune Wada 3.3._Romy_TURNITIN_Attitude_Estimations. UNSPECIFIED.

Romy Budhi Widodo and Chikamune Wada 4.2._Romy_PEER_REVIEW_Artificial_Neural_Network. UNSPECIFIED.

Romy Budhi Widodo and Chikamune Wada 4.3._Romy_TURNITIN_Artificial_Neural_Network. UNSPECIFIED.

Romy Budhi Widodo and Reyna Marsya Quita and Rhesdyan Setiawan and Chikamune Wada 5.2._Romy_Budhi_PEER_REVIEW_Study_Hand. UNSPECIFIED.

Romy Budhi Widodo and Reyna Marsya Quita and Rhesdyan Setiawan and Chikamune Wada 5.3._Romy_iTHENTICATE_Study_Hand. UNSPECIFIED.

Romy Budhi Widodo and Agustinus Bohaswara Haryasena and Hendry Setiawan and Paulus Lucky Tirma Irawan and Mochamad Subianto and Chikamune Wada 6.2._Romy_PEER_REVIEW_Design_and_Evaluation. UNSPECIFIED.

Romy Budhi Widodo and Agustinus Bohaswara Haryasena and Hendry Setiawan and Paulus Lucky Tirma Irawan and Mochamad Subianto and Chikamune Wada 6.3._Romy_TURNITIN_Design_and_Evaluation. UNSPECIFIED.

Aleksander Bima Sakti Wibowo Tansri and Yusuf Giovanno and Mochamad Subianto and Romy Budhi Widodo and Octaviani Intan Randi 7.2._Romy_PEER_REVIEW_Rancang_Bangun. UNSPECIFIED.

Aleksander Bima Sakti Wibowo Tansri and Yusuf Giovanno and Mochamad Subianto and Romy Budhi Widodo and Octaviani Intan Randi 7.3._Romy_TURNITIN_Rancang_Bangun. UNSPECIFIED.

Rhesdyan Wicaksono Suherman and Romy Budhi Widodo and Reyna Marsya Quita 8.2._Romy_PEER_REVIEW_Pengukuran_Performa_Pitch. UNSPECIFIED.

Rhesdyan Wicaksono Suherman and Romy Budhi Widodo and Reyna Marsya Quita 8.3._Romy_TURNITIN_Pengukuran_Performa_Pitch. UNSPECIFIED.

Imam Sutrisno, Muhammad Firmansyah and Romy Budhi Widodo and Ardiansyah Ardiansyah and Mohammad Basuki Rahmat and Achmad Syahid and Catur Rakhmad Handoko and Agus Dwi Santoso and Ari Wibawa Budi Santosa and Riries Rulaningtyas and Edy Setiawan and Edy Prasetyo Hidayat and Daviq Wiratno 9.2._Romy_PEER_REVIEW_Implementation_of_Backdrop. UNSPECIFIED.

Imam Sutrisno and Muhammad Firmansyah and Romy Budhi Widodo and Ardiansyah Ardiansyah and Mohammad Basuki Rahmat and Achmad Syahid and Catur Rakhmad Handoko and Agus Dwi Santoso and Ari Wibawa Budi Santosa and Riries Rulaningtyas and Edy Setiawan and Edy Prasetyo Hidayat and Daviq Wiratno 9.3._Romy_TURNITIN_Implementation_of_Backdrop. UNSPECIFIED.

This list was generated on Fri Mar 7 09:44:56 2025 WIB.