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Gregorius Guntur Sunardi Putra and Windra Swastika and Paulus Lucky Tirma Irawan (2022) 07.1._Windra_JEPIN_Perbandingan_Particle_Swarm_Optimization. JEPIN (Jurnal Edukasi dan Penelitian Informatika), 8 (3). pp. 412-421. ISSN p-ISSN: 2460-0741; e-ISSN: 2548-9364
Windra Swastika and Benedictus Julian Pradana and Romy Budhi Widodo and Rehmadenta Sitepu and Guntur Sinardi (2022) 14.1._Windra_SIET2022_CNN_Based_Transfer_Learning. Proceedings 7th International Conference on Sustainable Information Engineering and Technology 2022 (SIET 2022). pp. 72-78. ISSN ISBN: 978-1-4503-9711-7
Romy Budhi Widodo and Windra Swastika and Hendry Setiawan and Mochamad Subianto (2021) 19.1._Romy_CIASTECH_Studi_Pemrosesan_Data. Proceeding The 4th Conference on Innovation and Application of Science and Technology (CIASTECH 2021) “Kesiapan Indonesia Dalam Menghadapi Krisis Energi Global”. pp. 277-286. ISSN p-ISBN: 2622-1276; e-ISBN: 2622-1284
Windra Swastika and Romy Budhi Widodo and Ginza Alfarizha Balqis and Rehmadenta Sitepu (2021) 12.1._Windra_ICCTEIE_The_Effect_of_Regularization. Proceedings 2021 International Conference on Converging Technology in Electrical and Information Engineering (ICCTEIE 2021). pp. 87-90. ISSN p-ISBN: 978-1-6654-0082-4; e-ISBN: 978-1-6654-0081-7
Windra Swastika and Romy Budhi Widodo and Ginza Alfarizha Balqis and Rehmadenta Sitepu (2021) 15.1._Romy_ICCTEIE_The_Effect_of_Regularization. 2021 International Conference on Converging Technology in Electrical and Information Engineering (ICCTEIE). pp. 87-90. ISSN p-ISBN: 978-1-6654-0082-4; e-ISBN: 978-1-6654-0081-7
Alexander Eric Wijaya and Windra Swastika and Oesman Hendra Kelana (2021) 09.1._Windra_SAINSBERTEK_Implementasi_Transfer. SAINSBERTEK - Jurnal Ilmiah Sains & Teknologi, 2 (1). pp. 10-15. ISSN p-ISSN: 2797-1244; e-ISSN: 2797-183X
Chatief Kunjaya and Windra Swastika and Ronny Syamara and Wowo Wahono and Endang Soegiartini (2021) 02.1._Windra_EJP_Geometry_and_Modeling. European Journal of Physics, 42 (3). pp. 1-10. ISSN p-ISSN: 0143-0807; e-ISSN: 1361-6404
Romy Budhi Widodo and Windra Swastika and Agustinus Bohaswara Haryasena (2020) 18.1._Romy_CIASTECH_Studi_Sensor. Proceeding The 3th Conference on Innovation and Application of Science and Technology (CIASTECH 2020): Peranan Strategis Teknologi dalam Kehidupan Sosial di Era New Normal. pp. 562-568. ISSN p-ISBN: 2622-1276; e-ISBN: 2622-1284
Windra Swastika and Ekky Rhino Fajar Sakti and Mochamad Subianto (2020) 05.1._Windra_JTSISKOM_Rekonstruksi_Citra. Jurnal Teknologi dan Sistem Komputer (JTSISKOM), 8 (4). 304 -310. ISSN p-ISSN: 2620-4002; e-ISSN: 2338-0403
Windra Swastika and Kestrilia Rega Prilianti and Andrian Stefanus and Hendry Setiawan (2019) 11.1._Windra_ISITIA_Preliminary_Study. Proceedings - 2019 International Seminar on Intelligent Technology and Its Applications (ISITIA 2019). 376 -380. ISSN p-ISBN: 978-1-7281-3750-6; e-ISBN: 978-1-7281-3749-0
Windra Swastika and Martien Febriant Ariyanto and Hendry Setiawan and Paulus Lucky Tirma Irawan (2019) 5.1. Windra - JP: Appropriate CNN. Journal of Physics: Conference Series., 1196. pp. 1-5. ISSN 1742-6588 (print), 1742-6596 (online)
Mochamad Subianto and Windra Swastika (2017) 6.1._Subianto_ARTIKEL_Sistem_Kontrol. Prosiding SNATIKA – Seminar Nasional Teknologi, Informasi, Komunikasi dan Aplikasinya, 4. pp. 220-225. ISSN 2089-1083
Windra Swastika and Yoshitada Masuda and Takashi Ohnishi and Hideaki Haneishi (2015) 4.1. Windra - JMI: Reduction of Acquisition. Journal of Medical Imaging, 2 (2). 024008-1 -024008-13. ISSN 2329-4302 (print), 2329-4310 (online)
Windra Swastika and Yoshitada Masuda and Takashi Ohnishi and Hideaki Haneishi (2015) 3.1. Windra - IJEECS: Automatic Extraction. Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 14 (2). 329 -334. ISSN 2502-4752 (print), 2502-4760 (online)
Windra Swastika and Yoshitada Masuda and Takashi Ohnishi and Hideaki Haneishi (2015) 5.1.REV. Windra - ARTIKEL: Automatic Extraction. TELKOMNIKA Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering, 14 (2). 329 -334. ISSN 2302-4046 (print); 2087-278X (online)
Windra Swastika and Yoshitada Masuda and Rui Xu and Shoji Kido and Yen-Wei Chen and Hideaki Haneishi (2013) 2.1. Windra - CMMM: GND-PCA-Based. Computational and mathematical methods in medicine, 2013. pp. 1-9. ISSN 1748-670X (print), 1748-6718 (online)
Windra Swastika and Hideaki Haneishi (2012) 1.1. Windra - TELKOMNIKA: Compressed Sensing. TELKOMNIKA, 10 (1). pp. 147-154. ISSN 1693-6930 (print), 2302-9293 (online)
Gregorius Guntur Sunardi Putra and Windra Swastika and Paulus Lucky Tirma Irawan 2.1._Lucky_JEPIN_Perbandingan_Particle. Jurnal Edukasi dan Penelitian Informatika, 8 (3). pp. 412-421. ISSN p-ISSN: 2460-0741 e-ISSN: 2548-9364
Windra Swastika (2021) 01.1._Windra_BOOK_CHAPTER_Sketsa_Antologi. In: Sketsa Pelaksanaan Kelas Jarak Jauh dan Bisnis Teknologi Pendidikan Masa Pandemi COVID-19: Pembelajaran Dalam Genggaman Tangan. Ma Chung Press, Malang, pp. 67-74. ISBN 978-602-9155-29-7
Romy Budhi Widodo and Devina Trixie and Windra Swastika (2023) ADD.4.1._Romy_ICCOSITE2023_Study_of_EMG-based_Mouse_Clicks_Type_Detection. In: UNSPECIFIED, 16 Februari 2023, Universitas Bina Insani - Jakarta. (Unpublished)
Windra Swastika and Yoko and Hendry Setiawan and Moch. Subianto (2017) 7.1. Windra - SIET: Android Based. In: The 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Information Engineering and Technology (SIET) 2017, 24-25 November 2017, Batu, Malang - Indonesia.
Windra Swastika (2016) 6.1. Windra - AIP: Quickprop method. In: The 4th International Symposium on BioMathematics (SYMOMATH 2016), 7-9 Oktober 2016, Universitas Hasanuddin – Makasar.
Universitas Ma Chung (2022) 24.1._Romy_HAK_CIPTA_Klasifikasi_Bahasa_Isyarat. Surat Pencatatan Ciptaan No. 000323806.
Universitas Ma Chung (2019) 7.1._Subianto_HAK_CIPTA_SiPaLang. 000154343.
Windra Swastika and Martien Febriant Ariyanto and Hendry Setiawan and Paulus Lucky Tirma Irawan 10.2._Lucky_TURNITIN_Appropriate_CNN. UNSPECIFIED.
Windra Swastika and G M Kristianti and Romy Budhi Widodo 11.2._Romy_PEER_REVIEW_Effective_Preprocessed. UNSPECIFIED.
Windra Swastika and G M Kristianti and Romy Budhi Widodo 11.3._Romy_TURNITIN_Effective_Preprocessed. UNSPECIFIED.
Windra Swastika and Romy Budhi Widodo and Ginza Alfarizha Balqis and Rehmadenta Sitepu 15.2._Romy_PEER_REVIEW_The_Effect_of_Regularization. UNSPECIFIED.
Windra Swastika and Romy Budhi Widodo and Ginza Alfarizha Balqis and Rehmadenta Sitepu 15.3._Romy_TURNITIN_The_Effect_of_Regularization. UNSPECIFIED.
Romy Budhi Widodo and Windra Swastika and Agustinus Bohaswara Haryasena 18.2._Romy_PEER_REVIEW_Studi_Sensor. UNSPECIFIED.
Romy Budhi Widodo and Windra Swastika and Agustinus Bohaswara Haryasena 18.3._Romy_TURNITIN_Studi_Sensor. UNSPECIFIED.
Romy Budhi Widodo and Windra Swastika and Hendry Setiawan and Mochamad Subianto 19.2._Romy_PEER_REVIEW_Studi_Pemrosesan_Data. UNSPECIFIED.
Romy Budhi Widodo and Windra Swastika and Hendry Setiawan and Mochamad Subianto 19.3._Romy_TURNITIN_Studi_Pemrosesan_Data. UNSPECIFIED.
Gregorius Guntur Sunardi Putra and Windra Swastika and Paulus Lucky Tirma Irawan 2.2._Lucky_TURNITIN_Perbandingan_Particle. UNSPECIFIED.
Romy Budhi Widodo and Windra Swastika and Daniel Adiwiranata Santoso 24.2._Romy_PEER_REVIEW_Klasifikasi_Bahasa_Isyarat. UNSPECIFIED.