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D. Buczynska and L. Bujak and M.A. Loi and T.H.P. Brotosudarmo and R. Cogdell and S. Mackowski (2012) 1.1. Tatas - ARTIKEL: Energy Transfer... Applied Physics Letters, 101 (17). pp. 173703-1. ISSN 0003-6951
D. Buczynska and L. Bujak and M.A. Loi and T.H.P. Brotosudarmo and R. Cogdell and S. Mackowski* (2012) 4.1. Tatas - ARTIKEL: energy transfer. Applied Physics Letters, 101 (17). 173703-1 -173703-4. ISSN 0003-6951
Dece Elisabeth Sahertian and Indriatmoko and Haryono Semangun and Leenawaty Limantara* and Tatas H.P. Brotosudarmo (2012) 32.1. Tatas - ARTIKEL: kajian karotenoid. In: Seminar Nasional: Carotenoid Antioksidan dan Flavour, 11-12 Mei 2012, Salatiga.
Helly de Fretes* and AB. Susanto and Budhi prasetyo and Heriyanto and Tatas H.P. Brotosudarmo and Leenawaty Limantara (2012) 26.1. Tatas - ARTIKEL: estimasi produk. Ilmu Kelautan – Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences, 17 (1). pp. 31-38. ISSN p-ISSN. 0853-7291; e-ISSN. 2406-7598
Inggrid Nortalita Kailola and A.B. Susanto and Budhi Prasetyo and Indriatmoko and Leenawaty Limantara* and Tatas H.P. Brotosudarmo (2012) 33.1. Tatas - ARTIKEL: pengaruh beberapa metode. In: Seminar Nasional: Carotenoid Antioksidan dan Flavour, 11-12 Mei 2012, Salatiga.
L. Bujak and T.H.P. Brotosudarmo and N. Czeckowski and M. Olejnik and K. Ciszak and R. Litvin and R.J. Cogdell and W. Heiss and S. Mackowski (2012) 23.1. Tatas - ARTIKEL: Spectral Dependence. Acta Physica Polonica A, 122 (2). pp. 252-254. ISSN ISSN: 0587-4246; e-ISSN: 1898-794X
L. Bujak* and T.H.P. Brotosudarmo and N. Czeckowski and M. Olejnik and K. Ciszak and R. Litvin and R.J. Cogdell and W. Heiss and S. Mackowski (2012) 3.1. Tatas - ARTIKEL: spectral dependence. Acta Physica Polonica A, 122 (2). pp. 252-254. ISSN p-ISSN. 0587-4246; e-ISSN. 1898-794X
Murpin Josua Sembiring (2012) 13.1._Murpin_MSJ_Manajemen_Prasarana. Management Science Journal, 2 (1). pp. 153-171. ISSN 2085-3467
Murpin Josua Sembiring (2012) 17.1._Murpin_LWE_Kontribusi_Local_Wisdom. Proceeding Seminar Nasional - Local Wisdom Entrepreneurship . Universitas Dr. Soetomo Surabaya. ISBN 978-602-17013-0-0
Nikodem Czechowski and Piotr Nyga and Mikolaj K. Schmidt and Tatas HP. Brotosudarmo and Hugo Scheer and Dawid Piatkowski and Sebastian Mackowski* (2012) 2.1. Tatas - ARTIKEL: absorption enhancement. Plasmonic, 7 (1). pp. 115-121. ISSN p-ISSN. 1557-1955; e-ISSN. 1557-1963
Romy Budhi Widodo and Weijen Chen and Takafumi Matsumaru (2012) ADD_4.1._Romy_SICE-AC2012_Interaction_using_the_Projector_Screen. SICE Annual Conference 2012. pp. 1392-1397. ISSN 978-1-4673-2259-1
Soetam Rizky (2012) B8.52._Soetam_MODUL_Database_System. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)
Stefanus Yufra Menahen Taneo (2012) 16._Yufra_ICSD.2012_Capacity_Building_in_Marketing. International Conference on Sustainable Development (ICSD) 2012. 176 -194. ISSN 978-602-18622-0-9
Stefanus Yufra Menahen Taneo (2012) 17._Yufra_ICSD.2012_Capacity_Building_in_Marketing. International Conference on Sustainable Development (ICSD) 2012. 176 -194. ISSN ISBN. 978-602-18622-0-9
Windra Swastika and Hideaki Haneishi (2012) 1.1. Windra - TELKOMNIKA: Compressed Sensing. TELKOMNIKA, 10 (1). pp. 147-154. ISSN 1693-6930 (print), 2302-9293 (online)